Dentist Zahnarztpraxis Marion Woelm in Berlin.
Information about Dentist Zahnarztpraxis Marion Woelm in Berlin.
Tel.: +49 30 255 64 320
Take a look at the opening hours.
Here you may find more detailed information for Dentist Zahnarztpraxis Marion Woelm.
Dentist Zahnarztpraxis Marion Woelm is located in Berlin.
Dentist Zahnarztpraxis Marion Woelm Located at the street Martin-Buber-Straße.
Dentist Zahnarztpraxis Marion Woelm expects you.
Visit yourself Dentist Zahnarztpraxis Marion Woelm in Berlin and see for yourself.
Take a look at the directions.
The Dentist Zahnarztpraxis Marion Woelm in Berlin is wheelchair friendly.
http://www.zahnaerztinwoelm.deBlind description: Barrierefreier Zugang durch feste Rampe und Lift. Die Praxis verfügt über ein behindertengerechtes WC.