Veterinary Tierarztpraxis Dr. Szober in München.
Information about Veterinary Tierarztpraxis Dr. Szober in München.
Tel.: +49 (0)89 760 25 15
Take a look at the opening hours.
Here you may find more detailed information for Veterinary Tierarztpraxis Dr. Szober.
Veterinary Tierarztpraxis Dr. Szober is located in München.
Veterinary Tierarztpraxis Dr. Szober Located at the street Johann-Clanze-Straße.
Veterinary Tierarztpraxis Dr. Szober expects you.
Visit yourself Veterinary Tierarztpraxis Dr. Szober in München and see for yourself.
Take a look at the directions.
The Veterinary Tierarztpraxis Dr. Szober in München is wheelchair friendly.
Website: Dr. med. vet. Christoph Szober