Library HWR Bibliothek Campus Lichtenberg in Berlin.
Information about Library HWR Bibliothek Campus Lichtenberg in Berlin.
Tel.: +49 30 308 77- 25 98
Take a look at the opening hours.
Here you may find more detailed information for Library HWR Bibliothek Campus Lichtenberg.
Library HWR Bibliothek Campus Lichtenberg is located in Berlin.
Library HWR Bibliothek Campus Lichtenberg Located at the street Alt-Friedrichsfelde.
Library HWR Bibliothek Campus Lichtenberg expects you.
Visit yourself Library HWR Bibliothek Campus Lichtenberg in Berlin and see for yourself.
Take a look at the directions.
The Library HWR Bibliothek Campus Lichtenberg in Berlin is wheelchair friendly.
Website: description: Behinderten-WC außerhalb der Bibliothek vorhanden, PC-Arbeitsplätze rollstuhlgerecht, Bücherregale auf der 1. Etage zu schmal, obere Regalreihe für rollstuhlfahrer zu hoch, keine automatische Türöffner.