What is Shizophrenia? 

In the case of a psychosis, the person affected experiences a changed perception. 

Various stimuli are misperceived and transformed into delusion. such as B. Paranoia. If left untreated, this delusion will continue to develop.

Harmless everyday things appear different to those affected, resulting in delusion. Due to the changed perception, the affected person creates their own world.

In schizophrenia, a distinction is made between drug-injected psychosis and natural schizophrenia. Most psychoses are caused by drugs. 


In stressful situations, the person concerned tries to isolate himself mentally and disappears into his own world.

Even just the harmless enjoyment of beer or a cannabis joint can trigger such stress.

Psychosis is like a kind of burnout syndrome, but the sufferer creates a delusion. Like taking hard drugs to escape from reality. 

Every person has a threshold at which psychosis occurs. Even healthy people can develop schizophrenia in old age. such as B. The imaginary nephew who comes to visit. In the case of children, these can also be imaginary friends. 


Trauma often plays a major role and not cannabis or beer consumption. The situation is different with hard drugs, where the affected person experiences hallucinations. 

Under drug-induced psychotic phases, a voice develops. The person concerned then hears voices and it is not uncommon for the delusion to develop that the person concerned can communicate mentally with others. Unlike the AI Brain interface, the communication ends up in the void and the person concerned keeps getting better and in the end floats in their own reality-altered world.

Drugs can help.

There are a number of psychotropic drugs that can be used to successfully treat schizophrenia. E.g. Clozapine or the older Haldol. Newer psychotropic drugs such as Clopazin, Haldol, Zelldox, Seroquel or cyprexa or Abilyfy help quite well. 

Someone suffering from shizphrenia is not automatically a psychopath.


ChatGPT on Psychosis

Psychosis is a mental disorder characterized by a loss of contact with reality. It is a condition in which a person has difficulty distinguishing between what is taking place in their own imagination and actual reality.

People suffering from psychosis may experience a variety of symptoms, including hallucinations (such as hearing voices that are not real) and delusions (false beliefs that are held despite conflicting evidence be maintained). They may also have thought disorders, where their thoughts may seem jumbled or incoherent.

Psychosis can occur in various mental disorders, such as B. schizophrenia, schizophreniform disorder, schizoaffective disorder, bipolar disorder with psychotic features, and major depressive disorder with psychotic features. There is also drug-induced psychosis, which can be caused by the abuse of substances such as hallucinogens or stimulants.

The exact cause of psychosis is not fully understood, but it is believed that a combination of genetic, neurochemical, biological and environmental factors play a role. Treatment for psychosis usually involves a combination of medication (antipsychotics) and psychotherapy to relieve symptoms and improve the person's ability to function. It is important to seek appropriate treatment as psychosis, if left untreated, can significantly interfere with daily life.

More information about psychosis:

1. Types of Psychosis: There are different types of psychosis, including schizophrenia, which presents with a combination of symptoms such as hallucinations, delusions, thought disorders and negative symptoms. Other types of psychosis include schizophreniform disorder, in which symptoms similar to schizophrenia occur but for a shorter period of time, and schizoaffective disorder, in which both mood problems and psychotic symptoms occur.< /p> 2. Early Detection and Diagnosis: Identifying psychosis can be challenging as symptoms can vary from person to person. In some cases, friends, familyMembers or teachers notice changes in a person's behavior and point out possible signs of psychosis. A thorough psychiatric evaluation and evaluation of symptoms are critical to the diagnosis. 3. Triggers and risk factors: There are several factors that can increase the risk of psychosis, including genetics, neurochemical imbalances in the brain, difficult life events, traumatic experiences, substance abuse (especially hallucinogens), and certain neurological disorders. 4. Treatment: Treatment of psychosis aims to control symptoms, improve functioning, and prevent relapse. In most cases, treatment involves the use of antipsychotic drugs, which help reduce hallucinations, delusions, and other symptoms. Psychosocial interventions such as psychotherapy, family therapy, support in managing stress and building social skills may also be part of treatment. 5. Long-term course: The course of a psychosis can vary from person to person. Some people can lead relatively normal lives with appropriate treatment and support, while others require long-term support and care. Early intervention and continued treatment can help reduce the risk of relapse and improve the quality of life of those affected.

It is important to note that this information is general in nature and does not constitute personal medical advice. If you or someone you know is showing signs of psychosis, it is advisable to see a specialist doctor or psychiatrist for professional evaluation and appropriate treatment.

Image intended to represent depression.


Written by T.J. Poschadel and ChatGPT.